North Iceland
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
Company «Metawebart» was established in 2008 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova./nOne of the main activities of the group of ?ompanies is the development of web projects of any complexity. Today the web studio successfully develops and supports both simple websites based on popular CMS systems and complex web development on various framework PHP. The company's regular customers are from Germany, France, USA and Moldova./nIn addition to developing its own products, the company is engaged in supporting products of other developers. A team of specialists and an individual consultant are allocated for each project, who then study the project in detail./nThe company also provides outsourcing services for IT professionals, websites promotion in Europe and USA and own startup launches./nMission/nWe are committed to comprehensive customer service in the IT field, so that they can focus on meeting the company's main goals./nValues/nclear process of work and its strict observance/nperfectionism in details/nstrict time control"}