Nous VR
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NOUS VR Productions – Innovative Social Solutions Ltd. is\xa0\xa0partner and coordinator of “Virtual Reality applications in Medical Rehabilitation” \xa0REACT\xa0(viRtualrEAlitymediCalrehabiliTation) research project in collaboration with School of Medicine of\xa0National and Kapodistrian University of Athens\xa0, Scientific Coordinator of the project (2018-2021)\xa0funded by “RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE”\xa0program, Intervention II “Business partnerships with research organizations”, Single Action State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation. NOUS VR Productions – Innovative Social Solutions Ltd. received two EU funded national grants (Action ???-01166 – program “New Innovative entrepreneurship” & “Strengthening Media active in Manufacturing – Tourism – Trade & Services”) to develop innovative business platforms of\xa0e-health, and has produced VR/AR applications, 3D games, multimedia,\xa0audiovisual media, educational games, e-commerce portals, 360 navigation platforms and other products and services for various clients (i.e.\xa0SARGIA Partners Leadership Transformation Consultancy, Computational Systems Ltd., Corfu TOPSA national EU funded project,\xa03/3 society NGO, Pavlos Tsioutis Ltd., Br.Terzi Ltd.,\xa0Region of Epirus,\xa0Regional Unit of Preveza,\xa0Athens Chamber of Tradesmen,\xa0STRATIS Ltd., and others./n