

This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.


You can find a brief information about Onlanta ?ompany on this page. Full information about us is presented in main section of the web-site www.onlanta.ru in Russian. On your request we can provide you with necessary additional information in any language - the fill-out form - "Request for Proposal" - you can find on the right side of this page. Our email: [email\xa0protected]. Looking forward to further cooperation. The Onlanta company is a Russian service provider, which supplies services in the field of IT outsourcing. It belongs to LANIT Group of Companies (one of the leading IT companies in Russia). The central office of Onlanta is located in Moscow. Regional offices are working in Nizhny Novgorod, Penza and Tver. Partner network of Onlanta is represented in more than 80 cities of Russia. \xa0/n


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