PAUZA d.o.o.
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
We believe that everyone, regardless of ability or origin, has a fundamental right to access the information and tools on World Wide Web. Pauza started in 2001 as a design agency whose focus was on innovative, beautiful products that empower businesses. We start our journey with web technology from the beginning, early plane HTML, open-source platforms, even with custom made PHP content management system. Then we fell in love with Drupal. Great results require enthusiasm, energy, passion and knowledge. We work with all size companies, and love to get strategy, values, web launches, etc. Our goal is to make work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive to our clients and their clients, through fun, intelligent, challenging, motivating and engaging solutions. Our small company strongly encourages a healthy work-life balance. We are trying to foster a workplace that is equitable and inclusive for all. We love our hometown Sarajevo and want to inspire positive change in it and make sure it�s a place where great ideas come to life.