Polytech Software is a Ukrainian software outsourcing company\xa0that sets up and runs world-class software development teams.\xa0We have staffed thousands of software engineering positions\xa0for top startups, Fortune 500 companies, and well-known brands. Teams of 2 to 150+ engineers (analysts, project managers, developers, testers, DevOps engineers, UI/UX designers) work simultaneously on customers’ projects adding\xa0value to the software development process at\xa0all stages, from business idea analysis to post-implementation support. Our customers involve us in their projects for: Consulting\xa0- to evaluate a business idea, choose the right technology for the project implementation or assess an existing solution. Software outsourcing\xa0- to provide professionals who become an integrated part of an on-site team. Outstaffing\xa0- to find and provide the best software engineering talent on the market. Industries we develop software for: eCommerce Cloud computing Education Information technology Non-profit Financial services Retail Internet of Things Real estate Healthcare Insurance Document management and security Banking Embedded systems Quick facts about us: 800+ successfully completed projects 300+ software professionals 100% of the employees have a degree in computer science 200+ companies trust us 7+ years average collaboration time 60% of the employees are Certified Professionals in Salesforce, .NET, AWS, have certificates from ISTQB Let’s discuss your next project! Reach us out via\xa0[email\xa0protected]\xa0or fill in the contact form on the website\xa0https://polytech.software/\xa0to schedule a no-obligation consultation./n