You can’t do this job at arm’s length. Creativity and emotion don’t happen at a distance. To bond on any level, we need to get even closer. Because we are Proximity. And under the skin is where you’ll find us. Getting forensically deep into what it means to be human. Closer to the work and closer to the people. Closer to the data that brings us closer to the truth. Because in an industry full of finger in the air hunches, getting close is the only way we’ll find it. So you can keep, keeping your distance and your stand-off, hands off attitudes. That’s not us. A mile is as good as a miss. And we miss nothing. We get in there, into faces, brains, passions and experiences. And why? Because when we get closer, our brands and people get closer. And the further we get from our competitors. Proximity. The clue’s in the name./n