Atol Business Solutions was established in 2004 in Slovenia, EU and is the headquarters of the Produs Global Growth Network - ? PGN with centres in EU (Poland, Austria and UK) and Middle East (Dubai) with many more to come. The headquarters and the centres support ? PGN members - local-savvy consulting companies from a number of industry sectors who execute global projects as one team with a single model of operation and the same process. The sales system and Produs Agile Implementation Methodology (PAIM) are sourced, tested, and proven by Atol's numerous successful projects throughout its history. Find out more: https://www.slideshare.net/AtolBusinessSolutions/atol-global-business-development-solutions We have successfully completed more than 80 international projects from 12 industries with the participation of more than 500 sales & technical professionals. What a company owns matters less than what it can connect!/nREAD MORE..."}