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ROCKETECH is a software development company collaborating with 100+ Middle and Senior level professionals and specializing in analytics-driven web and mobile development. Our team has released 150+ products for 100+ startups and enterprises as IT executors. Our innovative solutions are highly acclaimed in their niches, named The Apps Of The Day on App Store, and recognized by the Grammy Awards, Fastest Growing startups local & worldwide, GQ best festival experience with web app and more.\xa0 We work within complex industries and narrow niches, delving into details. Our main goal is to become a trusted tech partner and succeed with our clients. We build reliable partnerships with businesses of different sizes and industries. Our team achieves the company's goal through technological solutions, taking full development responsibility for the project, from idea to MVP to market leader and possible IPO and beyond… What do we do? We consult. Our team implements Agile frameworks (Lean, Scrum, Kanban, and XP), Lean Canvas, User Story Mapping, JTBD, and CJM. We analyze. Rocketech understands the complexity of your business systems. We devise Use Cases, User Stories, Flows, Entity-Relationship models, and state machines to make sure that we choose the most sustainable solution. We have some tools that have been done by ROCKETECH and every founder has access to it with us:\xa0 Fin&Law payroll project that allows to see exact costs of the team EBDC dashboard, tool for proper planning based on data of the team\xa0 We develop. Our specialists showcase internationally recognized development skills in various programming languages (JavaScript, PHP, Go, Swift, Java, and others) and 100+ frameworks, including React, Node.js, NestJS, Vue.js, AngularJS, and Laravel. Beside that we have our own community of practice for every single technology and vertical of services.\xa0 We design. We handle wireframing, UX/UI, illustrations, logos, and icons. We test. Our team runs Automated Testing with Selenium, Web Vulnerability tests, Smoke, UI, Regression Testing, and User Acceptance (UAT) testing for mobile and web applications. We maintain. Our team performs continuous testing, tech debt management, and upgrade delivery. Our experts implement DevOps, using CI/CD, Docker, and Kubernetes. /n"}