Sagafilm is the leading independent production company in Iceland. A leader in professional production for TV, Commercials and Feature Films when it comes to producing quality, covering all genres. Sagafilm is the only production company in Iceland that has experience in producing formats for the Icelandic audience. Amongst the formats produced for the native broadcasters are: X-Factor, Idol, Biggest Loser, The Money Drop, Minute To Win It and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ideas developed within Sagafilm and produced for the TV market have been successful and popular, thus securing the broadcaster high ratings and strong revenue. Sagafilm has produced series simultaneously for all the Icelandic broadcasters. Original Entertainment formats include, Dance Dance Dance, Treasured Tunes, Design For... and many more. Amongst home made scripted successes are the multi award winning Stelpurnar (The Girls), Sv�nas�pan (The Pig Soup), cult series N�turvaktin (The Nightshift), Pressa (The Press), Svartir Englar (Black Angels), Astridur and R�ttur (Court). Sagafilm has throughout the years been the main producer of Documentaries for the local and international market and owns an exceptional archive covering Icelandic history and landscape. Sagafilms post facilities are the largest in Iceland and the company runs it's own production studios. Sagafilm headquarters are in Reykjav�k. Sagafilm Nordic is based in Stockholm producing projects with international partners. Sagafilm also offers full production and location service for its clients. The track record includes work with and for major studios when serving films like; Interstellar, Star Trek, Die Another Day and View to a Kill (James Bond), Tomb Raider and Batman Begins. Sagafilm owns Luxor an equipment sales and rental company and SagaEvents Icelands premium events producer.