InterVenture is a Swiss company that helps businesses get fast access to a diverse community of high performing engineering teams. We are a blend of Swiss business management and leadership culture and Serbian software engineering talent. If you need to achieve quicker time-to-market with your product(s), but you just can’t find that tech talent that you need - InterVenture is the way to go. At InterVenture, we believe in mutual growth and provide the engineering support to bring your vision to life through three different business models./n/nOwn Team Model, OTM™ is a service designed to address your long-term needs for talent - together we build a team that becomes fully integrated in your current setup, empowered just as any other team member you've brought in so far. With this service, we help you bypass all the legal, administrative, IT infrastructure, hiring, and workspace challenges of setting a new office and focus on what you do best - develop and ship awesome products. To date InterVenture has successfully built 50+ development teams and keeps accelerating business growth of our partners mainly from Switzerland, Germany, the UK, and the USA. The average time-to-hire is 6 - 8 weeks./n/nReady Team Model, RTM™ is a service designed to address your temporary engineering workload needs, project assignments, or unexpected peaks in work that do not require you to hire new team members. Within 2 weeks, we are able to source both individuals and freelance teams specialized in the technology of your choice and engage them to help you deliver projects./n/nInternational Headhunting Service is an extension of our successful OTM business model aiming to assist our partners’ growth in local markets. With a dedicated team of 10 recruiters and a strong track record in hiring top IT talent across various regions, we are well-equipped to provide you with professional headhunting support that will enhance your business's agility and competitiveness."}