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HEY :)/nNice to see you! Let me tell you our story:/nClique is a vienna based collective. We are professional creatives and skillful tech, design & business enthusiasts. We're trained and experienced in a lot of different professions. We're always looking forward to a good challenge./nHere's a list of things we'd love to help you with:/ngood code/napp development/nwebdesign/nbrand design/nprint design/ngrowth hacking/ncode improvement/nshop development/nstory telling/ncomplexity reduction/ne-commerce setup & improvement/nnaming & claming/nhigh performing marketing campaigns/ndatascience/nAI development/nsocial media strategy/nwording strategy/napp architecture & stack decision/nseo & sea/nux ui design/ndigital branding/nspeed optimization/nsustainable code/nsoftware modeling & architecture improvement/nprocess digitalization/nbusiness optimization/nprint design/nmotion picture editing/n3d animation/nimage retouche & grading/nanimation/npress & marketing events/ninfluencer marketing/naffiliate marketing strategies/nshort-, medium- & long-term digital marketing concepts/nbusiness process modelling & improvement/nTell us what you need and we'll find a way to help you!/nJoin our Clique. ;)/nPS: you look good today!"}


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