Sonce.net launched in 1999 as one of the first digital creative shops in Slovenia, preceding the rise of social media, Gmail, 24/7 touch-points and 360 engagements. We�ve been enjoying a reputation of �natives� in the fast rising digital advertising landscape ever since and while we�ve expanded our services beyond the online realm, in our core, we remain digital. "It's hard to imagine a campaign without any digital elements these days, so the division of marketing and agencies into digital and non-digital is not making all that much sense anymore. To be competitive as an agency we need to be in tune with the rapid development of technology, keep educating ourselves and offer our clients a full spectrum of contemporary solutions." Simona Tepe�, CEO Through the years we�ve followed our strategy of remaining independent, and we�ve braved the shifts both within our industry, as well as in general economic trends. We can proudly say we�ve stayed on top on the sole merit of our values and skills as a team and individuals. We continue to create fresh, even game-changing work and we will continue to absolutely enjoy doing just that.