Tropos AR is our region’s first company to focus exclusively on Augmented Reality. Tropos AR is building an advertising, communication and entertainment network that connects AR experiences while reinventing customer journeys in markets such as physical retail, sporting events, festivals, airports, travel, culture and more. With the support of the Lead Innovation team at EY Belgium (Ernst & Young), our team of experts have created a roadmap to turn this network into a market leading initiative./nPhase one focuses on educating the market by providing unequalled AR master classes and info sessions. In parallel, we’re leveraging our knowledge and ready-to-use technology in order to develop a multitude of stand-alone AR projects running on a single use version of the Tropos AR network technology./nOnce the education phase passes a tipping point, all of the above mentioned projects will be linked up and its end users will experience a new world of innovative perks and gamification. At this stage, Tropos AR develops an AR cloud allowing a wide range of geolocation based AR applications and content.