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We deliver engaging stories about those who change our world. Stories you can feel./nAt Ro, we are focused on effectively publicising your brand. We achieve this goal by combining communication in the media, influencers, CSR, content and performance into one efficiently functioning, masterfully effective marketing mix./nWe support innovative companies and startups with communication services. We grow their communities and present their products and services in a friendly and understandable way./nRo Team is a part of PR PA RT NE RS network:/nBrasil | Czech Republic | Finnland | Hungary | Israel | Norway |/nRomania | Russia | Slovakia | South Africa | Sweden /n/nWhat differentiate us is lean and agile oriented project management, close partnership with the clients and strong relations with media representatives and influencers./nRo signed The Diversity Charter (Karta R??norodno?ci) - written commitment which is signed by organizations that oblige themselves to the introduction of equal treatment policy and diversity management, as well as active prevention of discrimination and mobbing in the workplace.