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Storystellar's core business: promote companies, by producing video portraits of the women and men who, every day, make these companies great. In one year we have produced more than 1000 portrait films! Our know-how: the alliance between our human qualities and our innovative technology, which allows us to offer unrivaled prices and deadlines. ? Drowned in the flow of content, an isolated video can miss its target, while a series increases the visibility of each video tenfold by including it in a narration. Thus the natural referencing is increased, the communication more embodied and effective. ? Your Series of Video Portraits create emotion over time: the ideal solution to develop your employer brand, unite your teams, bring you closer to your Customers. VIDEO PORTRAITS, WHY? Maybe because 75% of web content will be video by 2021? Or maybe because video is the most effective vector to increase your SEO? In this multitude, only embodied, professional, aesthetic and perfectly scripted videos will stand out. Do you also want to create touching, modern, funny and impactful Video Portrait Series, for an unbeatable price? Let's meet up !