One of the leading independent TV and Film production companies in Bulgaria. The management team has more than 18 years of experience in the entertainment business and a track record for producing the most successful prime-time TV shows for the Bulgarian market. Global Group has a rich history in the production of an unparalleled range of original and top international formats, comedy and drama, music videos, and commercials, including The Masked Singer, Your Face Sounds Familiar, Rachkov's Forbidden Show, Bulgaria�s Got Talent, X Factor, Lords of the Air, Extreme Makeover, Fear Factor and many more. The company is currently highly focused and investing in expanding the production and co-production of feature films and TV series for international distribution. The full range of services are provided by Global Group�s subsidiaries: -Global Films and Global Frame are the two companies producing entertainment formats, TV series, and films, commercials for the local Bulgarian market. -Open Frames is a company dedicated to the production and co-production of film projects for US and international distribution. -Global Web manages our digital business. -Global Rent is the company managing and renting out our studio facilities and state of the art equipment The company also manages a significant number of the most popular talents in Bulgaria.