want to quickly realize such a world where digital and analog are fused ??I want to make the\xa0world full of technology drawn from manga, anime and science fiction movies long ago, not a dream, but a dream I have lived.\xa0Now that VR and other advanced technologies are being used in the general society from academic research applications, my thoughts are not just dreams, but a feasible era.\xa0I want as many people as possible to feel the excitement and excitement, I want to expand the places where I can experience it, and I want to increase the number of people who can create experiences, and as a result, I want to speed up the evolution of the world and make it a better world .\xa0At our company, with members who can share such thoughts, we will continue to work step by step using VR, AR, MR and other advanced technologies to make the world more convenient. Representative Director Hisashi Takehi/n