TeleSoftas was born in the head of our Founder Algirdas Stonys, between the dormitory corridors of the Kaunas University of Technology in 2004. A group of friends dreaming of the newest gadgets and a more interesting job grew into more than 270 people in six different cities in Europe and the US, today. Along the path, we kept this ethos, created in the formative years � of friendship, equality, collaboration, trust, and genuine love for what we do. We built a community and working principles and fantastic offices where these masterminds meet. Today, besides 3 offices in Lithuania, we�re operating and helping clients from around the world, and have an office in Abuja (Nigeria), our representative offices in Zurich and San Francisco. Our agile teams of IT masterminds � developers, designers, system architects, project management gurus, business analysts, testers, marketers, bring their knowledge together to help companies create kick-ass digital products & solutions. How many? We lost the count. We work closely together to create distinguished software solutions for clients around the world.