Hi, my name is Adomas, CEO and Founder of Nomadomas. In 2015, I joined the multinational technology company Google in its European Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. During my time at the company, I got to know the in-depth secrets of this search engine’s online advertising technologies and how to use it for best advantage./nLater on, I moved to London to be in charge of a digital advertising agency. Whilst managing a team of twenty people, I expanded my experience in different advertising fields, worked with large budgets, complex projects and innovative design./nIn 2019, together with a few partners, we established Nomadomas. We started with Google services in Lithuania and now we have successfully expanded both in the range of our services and geographically. I am pleased to have many experts in various advertising fields work at Nomadomas today. Myself and my team have handled a number of well-known brands’ digital space. /nMore:/nhttps://nomadomas.lt/