transcosmos launched its operations in 1966. Since then we have combined superior People with the latest Technology to enhance the competitive strength of our client companies by providing them with superior and valuable services. transcosmos currently offers Cost Reduction Services (e.g., contact center, back-office services for HR/Finance/Sales departments, order management and supply chain management, and system development and operation) and Sales Expansion Services (e.g., Big Data analysis, Internet advertising, website development and operation, smartphone/SNS utilization, and telemarketing). transcosmos continues to pursue Operational Excellence by providing these services through our 171 locations in 32 countries with a focus on Asia. Furthermore, following the expansion of E-Commerce markets across the globe, transcosmos has been providing a comprehensive One-Stop Global E-Commerce Services to deliver the products and services of our clients to consumers in over 49 countries. transcosmos aims to be the “Global Digital Transformation Partner” of our clients, supporting the clients’ transformation by leveraging digital technology, responding to the ever changing business environment./n