UNIQUE marketing & development Consulting
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
?With more than 20 years of experience in large Greek and Multinational companies, Marketing strategy and sales development are now in our DNA. In today's era, experience and knowledge of marketing strategy should not be a "privilege" of "big" companies, but a development opportunity for every small, medium or large company . The science of marketing and its direct relationship with business development is nothing new. However, marketing has evolved to a great extent and strategy planning has become more complex, since the available channels have multiplied (digital and non-digital). The means and techniques are many, the "opinions" of the "experts" ... even more. But there is no secret recipe, no ideal solution/strategy common to everyone. The philosophy of UNIQUE marketing & development Consulting is that b we see each company as UNIQUE, just like yours. Undoubtedly there are best practices. However, they cannot be simply copied in every business. copy+paste as we say in Greek :) Each company is UNIQUE. Their customer profile is UNIQUE. The products/services are UNIQUE. The needs and requirements are UNIQUE. And of course ... the people in each business are completely UNIQUE. We analyze your characteristics, special requirements and goals, and then develop the most effective and UNIQUE marketing and development strategy for your business. ? We work for you, with you. Your exclusive marketing & sales strategy consultants! ? we help companies GROW