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Due to the lack of an appropriate term, we called it Social Media Marketing, but the rEVOLUTION product is much more complex and provides EVERYTHING a business needs to promote its products, but also complementary strategies./nExperience has taught us that just by having a business, but without attracting as much traffic as possible, it is impossible to have a conversion (when we say conversion, we mean the customer who pays for your product / service). The online environment is extremely dynamic and bidding at the same time, but this multitude of offers has also created a lot of confusion, making it very difficult for businesses to understand this environment, to adapt and then implement the necessary strategies to extract the best results./n Everything is enhanced by the fact that there is no school that actually teaches "WHAT TO DO ONLINE". Moreover, a LOT of poor information related to this subject has circulated and still circulates, on the basis of which, even lower-grade information is derived. Today\'s online environment is a combination of strategies, a lot of test-based analysis, and at the same time A LOT OF FEELING./n This is the conclusion we reached after practice, testing and experience. Being foremost practitioners (we have achieved and continue to do a lot of activity in the online environment), we have learned very well the algorithm behind social platforms and how the user consumes online content. NO ONE enters a social platform, whatever it may be, to buy something, and the purpose of any social platform is to protect its consumer, NOT BUSINESS INTEREST (this can be found even in the terms and conditions of dedicated platforms: Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Therefore, the business must understand the consumer very well, and enter his state of mind, through communication and chosen marketing strategies, and not the other way around - the consumer entering the business atmosphere.