VortexT Analytics
This company is a recommended outsourcing provider.
Established in 2016, from technologies originating in national security, Vortext Analytics offers a SaaS-based, interactive diagnostic platform, a key component of which is basic and advanced data analytics on both structured and unstructured text data. The platform enables users to create dashboards that provide operational and action-oriented data, alerts to predefined tolerance levels, and opportunities for rapid drill down to pinpoint specific cases. The VortexT Analytics Denials Management Analytics solution is the first SaaS offering that allows hospitals, physicians, and clinical personnel to see trends and patterns in complex data; compare denial patterns and time to payment; conceptually search data; and cluster complex denial information to understand why denials occur to improve revenue and speed time to payment. Differentiation analysis enables the user to isolate cases that meet predefined criteria, e.g., high cost or high acuity, and then drill into groupings to see what commonalities have caused a specific outlier, e.g., readmissions. The analytics tools and fast access to data of interest facilitate the identification, mitigation and resolution of financial, clinical and operational issues and consequent improvements in revenues, cost reduction, and quality./n