Elokami Groupe is a holding company focused on communication and new technologies, including:/nElokami Production: production company specializing in streaming and advertising content for television./nNFT4ALL: Blockchain service company. From consulting to deployment we support companies strategically and technically towards Web3 technologies and in particular NFTs/nAzalée: event agency/n33 Degrees: European Tour Management. support for artists, distribution, production.../nGathered in one place, we form a real complex combining know-how, passion, experience and versatility. Our panel of professionals will carry out all types of audiovisual projects, bringing you creativity and innovation. Without forgetting that this combination offers a synergy between savings, speed and efficiency./nThe philosophy of our group is to develop and maintain a privileged relationship with each of our customers to provide them with maximum satisfaction. By knowing you better, we can offer you tailor-made projects. We will go beyond our limits to offer you audacious, innovative and striking programs.