GENESIS is recognized as one of the pre-eminent full service research, consultancy, marketing, advertising, brand and reputation management, and public relations firms serving a regional and national, client base. As an aggressive and agile firm, GENESIS believes in the fundamentals of communication strategies and has developed a reputation for effective, on-target public relations, marketing and advertising. At GENESIS we believe in innovation on concepts level, in wit and creativity on copy and designs level, in accurate strategies and timing when it comes to media booking and selection and in adequate market penetration when it comes to brand equity. In addition to all the above we also believe in spreading the good word and in the generation of the greater word of mouth, to build a solid and strong reputation for our clients, hence the creation of interesting and fruitful CSR projects, organize the events and activities and see them to execution with utmost professionalism and synchronization. /nGENESIS is also known for building and positioning brands along with maximizing the exposure and results for their clients. GENESIS is a one stop to a full and holistic communication solution rather than a communication product.