Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
— SEO, Social Media, & Content Marketing
— Graphic & Digital Design
— Branding & Logo Design
— Email & Mobile Marketing
Technology & Development
— Software, Web, & Mobile App Development
— AI & Machine Learning
— Blockchain & Cloud Consulting
Business & Support Services
— Sales & Customer Support
— HR & Admin Support
— Accounting & Business Consulting
Creative & Media
— Video Production & Animation
— Media Buying & Planning
— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.
At Leadspicker, we utilise web scraping, machine learning, and business-process automation to get rid of repetitive tasks, so humans working in business can focus on, well, business./nWe launched in 2016 with the goal of eliminating the repetitive and mind numbing tasks in people's lives. After earning our first million dollars through our own sweat and tears, we landed $2 million in seed-funding from Reflex Capital and J&T Ventures./nIn 2019, Leadspicker was recognized as the 16th fastest growing tech company in the CEE Deloitte Fast 50 2019 Rising Stars programme. Currently, we have 550+ clients in more than 42 countries, including such brands as Thomson Reuters, PwC, Ford, Singapore Airlines, Pfizer, and Axel Springer./nWe’re a group of tech-obsessed, Silicon Valley series-loving over-achievers who are ready to shape how we all do business."}
Good Game Global
Headquartered in Prague and established in 2003, ICON Communication Centres s.r.o. is a multilingual BPO and call centre specialising in inside sales and account management customer experiences for B2B brands./nICON's solutions harness a combination of cutting-edge technology and A-player human resource to deliver high-touch, high-value customer interactions in 30 languages at a native- level./nOutsourcing specialists design bespoke inside sales journeys that target, convert, onboard, develop and retain B2B customers. ICON's end-to-end monitoring accurately measures every touchpoint to ensure continuous improvement and return on investment./nICON's strategic account management focuses on developing relationships and building long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with key customers for clients. An ICON team helps B2B brands adapt quickly to market forces and provide insights into what their customers desire and require for success./nClients benefit from a mature and experienced workforce, competitive price point, endorsed location, and accessible geographical position in Central Europe."}
Somos una agencia de marketing digital en la Ciudad de México , tenemos 10 a?os ayudando a las empresas y marcas a desarrollar estartegias efectivas que les permitan incrementar su nivel de visibilidad y posicionarse como l?deres en su sector./n/nOfrecemos Soluciones digitales flexibles que permitir?n que tu negocio o empresa pueda alcanzar los objetivos de venta que est?s buscando, implementando buenas pr?cticas y estrategias enfocadas en resultados tangibles.Sabemos que hoy en d?a existe la necesidad de poder digitalizar tu negocio, es por eso que formamos un equipo altamente capacitado, pero sobre todo actualizado en cada una de sus ?reas de especilidad, para apoyar a las empresas a desarrollar nuevas oportunidades de venta que les aportar valor y ser m?s relevante respecto a su competencia./n/nTe invitamos a que formes parte de este cambio y comiences a formar parte de esta enorme red de empresas de alto valor.
S.T.A.R Digital
We are a company dedicated to manufacturing specialized products for outdoor advertising that aims to increase customers’ sales, allowing them to create impact in the market and providing a first-class corporate image./n During 1992, with the purpose of satisfying the communication and publicity expectations and needs of our clients thoroughly, starts the creation of a group of companies integrated by Simotiva and VPV (Vers?til Publicidad Visual), to which we later added Instalaci?n de Imagen S.A. de C.V. and the Comercializadora Tequilera San Agust?n, with Boutique Tequila y Arte./n Each of our companies is committed to provide the best quality, satisfaction and experience, which makes us a solid and strong corporation, with the best service and presence nationally and internationally.
Spreg Content Curators
We are a team of diverse thinkers from diversified educational backgrounds whose passion is creating outstanding ideas and converting them into astonishing innovative experience. The team consists of comprehensive expertise starting from creative designers, marketers and account managers who share a common goal. Which is delivering innovative results/nWe’re more than just a digital marketing agency, our specialty is innovating localized, personalized solutions for businesses to meet client's goals at their respected industry./nThe results we deliver are evidence-based. As a result-oriented agency our focus is to communicate client's objectives, our recommendation and consultations are data driven and our published advertisements are studied to be optimized to ensure maximum return"}
Pri odabiru marketin?ke agencije, va?no je uzeti u obzir nekoliko klju?nih faktora. Prvo, istra?ite specijalizaciju i iskustvo agencije. Razmotrite koje usluge nudi i koliko je iskusna u va?oj industriji. Agencije koje se specijaliziraju za odre?ene ni?e ili vrste marketinga ?esto mogu pru?iti bolje rezultate. Drugo, va?no je pregledati portfelj i reference agencije. Kvalitetan portfelj i zadovoljni klijenti su dobri pokazatelji uspje?nosti agencije. Tako?er, procijenite kako agencija pristupa izradi strategije i koliko je kreativna u svojim rje?enjima. Dobra agencija trebala bi razumjeti va?e poslovne ciljeve i ponuditi inovativna rje?enja koja odgovaraju va?im potrebama. Komunikacija i suradnja s agencijom su tako?er klju?ni. Va?no je da agencija odr?ava redovitu komunikaciju s klijentima i da je otvorena za suradnju. Ovo uklju?uje redovite sastanke i izvje?tavanje o napretku kampanja. Cjenovna politika je jo? jedan va?an aspekt. Uvjerite se da razumijete kako agencija napla?uje svoje usluge i tra?ite transparentnost u cijenama. Tako?er je bitno razmotriti kako agencija mjeri uspjeh svojih kampanja i postoji li jasan na?in pra?enja rezultata. Na kraju, uzmete u obzir reputaciju i povjerenje koje agencija u?iva na tr?i?tu. Online recenzije i svjedo?anstva drugih klijenata mogu biti korisni. Tako?er, prilagodljivost i sposobnost brzog reagiranja na promjene u industriji su va?ni. Ako je fokus va?eg poslovanja na lokalnom tr?i?tu, razmotrite agenciju koja dobro poznaje lokalnu kulturu i navike. U kona?nici, odabir agencije treba biti baziran na kombinaciji va?ih specifi?nih potreba i sposobnosti agencije da te potrebe ispuni. Preporu?a se voditi razgovore s nekoliko agencija prije nego ?to donesete kona?nu odluku./n
Since the very first days of our agency, we proudly present our way of creating by our name – forging your digital presence with every implemented bit. With more than 150 recognizable regional and international projects across more than 20 verticals, our expertise and result-oriented client executions speak for themselves. In cooperation with best of bread partnerships with global digital providers, our focus is to elevate our three pillars of operating (thought, performance, and intelligence) to a higher tier. It's a wonderful age that we live in, this era when we can publish ourselves and share our best thoughts with the world. For us and our clients, it all starts with a thought which we transform into an intelligent performance-driven experience in the fields of strategy, analytics, social media, content production, development, and digital advertising./n"}
We know that advertising and creativity should fulfill your business and marketing objectives – that’s why our strategies work. Our aim is simple – to be the single source for all your advertising, marketing and communications needs. We want to be your advertising and communication partner. All our Clients and all their projects are equally important to us. It’s not just our ability to resolve your marketing needs. It’s the way we do it and how we do it. Our aim is to deliver more return on your investment and make your budget go further. We will always try to find a better way to do things./n
We are a creative cluster composed of Branding Specialists and all its communication outlets. We create, build and strengthen brands as experts in corporate identity, creativity, content marketing & media planning, IT Services, AV production, amongst others. The key to our client’s success is through the design of memorable storytelling aligned to each brand’s essence considering all points of contact with final consumers./nWe have a trajectory of over 10 years in the market and more than 300 local & global brands in our client lists, we strive to connect our clients with their objective audience in a relevant way.
DAS360 is providing a wide range of Business Solutions, Digital Marketing, Enterprise Resources Planning, and many other WEB/APP System integration, Branding & Corporate Branding Guideline, Interactive Web Design, Content Marketing, and many other services that meet any business expectations. Building and finding Sustainable Solutions are our core business in all fields of Marketing, Sales, and Business Reputation. With more than 150 Staff recruited to represent and raise high-end quality deliverables based on our experience that extends to more than 17 years in business. We are delighted to build our partnership on one concept Win-Win Situation.