Our mission is to improve the efficiency of your company by providing high-quality software development services./nA team of expert software developers, all highly motivated to grow your business. Our mission is to give each individual and/or business the same resources and tools that larger companies enjoy. All of our efforts and services are geared towards growing our client’s business. We help our customers cut costs with our various consultation programs. We also help customers grow their business with our web, mobile application and devops services./nServices:/nSoftware Development: Create complex software, ensure reliable software integration, modernize your legacy system./nIT Consulting: Trust our top minds to eliminate workflow pain points, implement new tech, and consolidate app portfolios./nProject Management: Proactively managing both business and IT activities in concert with each other is required to ensure business results will equal or exceed expectations./nDevOps: AWS, Linux, Networking & Services, Optimization & Scaling, Monitoring, Web servers (apache, nginx), Replication & Sharding/nTechnologies:/nMobile Apps: Cordova, Phonegap, Jquery Mobile, React Native, Android, IoS/nWebDevelopment: Node.js, Java, PHP (Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, ...), HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (Angular, React, ExtJs, Svelte, Vue)/nCMS: WordPress, Drupal, Magento, PrestaShop/nPersistance and Storage: MySQL, MariaDb, MongoDB, Redis, Solr/nDevOps: AWS, Linux Servers, Networking, Optimization & Scaling, Monitoring, Webservers (Apache2, Nginx), Replication & Sharding/nQA and Testing: selenium, phpunit, codeception, jasmine, karma, nest./n/nWe are able to help. Our experts have seen it all before. /nContact us: https://www.webchain.ro/contact-us/