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GTS Consultants
GTS Consultants is a growing SBE/DBE/MBE civil engineering and land surveying firm that has been providing services to major prime consultants in the transportation field. /nFrom its inception in 1997, GTS has participated in various NJ Transit projects that include the NYS&W Passenger Restoration Service, the Morrisville PA Yard, and the Lakeland Bus Terminal in Dover Twp. Morris County. GTS continues to support the expansion of the Hudson Bergen Light Rail system in a sub-consultant role for right of way acquisition mapping./nGTS has also been actively involved in many projects for local government agencies and the private sector. We have performed design engineering services for the Monmouth County Engineering Department, and are currently working on a significant mapping project for the Lakewood Municipal Utilities Authority that will become the basis for the creation of a GIS database for sewer and water infrastructure.

Brunswick Surveying, Inc.
Brunswick Surveying (BSI) is a family owned, full service New Jersey Land Surveying firm. The company has been in business for over 30 years and its partners have 70+ years of combined experience in the Land Surveying field. The partners are guided by principals of integrity and a commitment to quality surveying in carrying out the mandate of a professional to protect the interest of the public./n/nBSI specializes in surveys for residential title transfer with flexible scheduling, quick turnaround times and efficient completion of surveys. Moreover, BSI also has experienced staff capable of completing large scale industrial/commercial surveys to meet the needs of any project. BSI can provide surveying services for the life cycle of large projects including ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys for initial purchases, to Topographic Surveys which support engineering design, to construction layout supporting the building process, and on through Final As-built Surveys for project close outs. Beyond commercial redevelopment, BSI has extensive experience in completing surveys for residential subdivisions from small Minor subdivisions of single lots to Major subdivision for large scale developments of numerous lots.

Van Note-Harvey Associates, Inc.
Van Note-Harvey Associates traces its origin back to Charles Sincerbeaux, an engineer and land surveyor who opened his practice in Princeton in 1894. Since that beginning, the company has been in continuous operation and has expanded in size, scope and geographical service through several ownership transitions and name changes. In 1960, Van Note-Harvey Associates was incorporated./nToday, Van Note-Harvey Associates (VNHA) is a full service consulting engineering, environmental, planning and land surveying organization headquartered in Princeton serving New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. Our staff of professional and support personnel have diverse educational and project backgrounds enabling us to provide a complete range of services to private and public clients from Fortune 500 corporations to neighborhood businesses, and at all levels of federal, state and local government./nVNHA provides professional services on design teams for numerous academic, institutional, and private development projects as lead consultant, as well as under subcontract to major building architects for design-build contracts, and has represented numerous municipalities and authorities as both engineer of record and as a consultant for special projects. The firms experience ranges from totally new campus and facility site design to minor expansion or modification/improvement of existing facilities, and dozens of residential construction projects, and has encompassed every aspect of feasibility planning, concept/preliminary/final site design, stormwater management, site utilities, roads/parking, solar energy, site lighting/landscaping, and construction phase services./nVNHA regularly serves on green building design teams for facilities qualifying for LEED Certification. Our Firm provides LEED Accredited Professionals at both the principal and staff levels, and is an active member of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC).
From humble beginnings in 1991 as a 2-person company in New York City, we have now grown into a 500-person strong consulting firm, with 15 regional offices in the US (and India)./nThis growth over 3 decades has been through a combination of dedication and passion to deliver above and beyond for our clients and partners. Our expert team delivers excellence in construction management/inspection, environmental, engineering design, architecture/facilities design, land surveying, special inspections and material testing services./nOur goal is always to improve the communities in which we live and work while at the same time enhancing social, economic and environmental conditions. We accomplish this by partnering with an ever-expanding client base to serve public agencies and authorities as well as private entities./n

Vantage Commercial
Vantage Real Estate Services D/B/A Vantage Commercial, based in Cherry Hill, NJ and Philadelphia, PA, is a full-service commercial real estate brokerage and advisory firm that serves New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Eastern Pennsylvania. We specialize in all aspects of commercial real estate, including landlord and tenant representation, healthcare real estate services, investment sales and acquisitions, multi-family sales and acquisitions, business brokerage, land sales, land development, property management, property valuations, and advisory services. We believe that to be successful, we must think like our clients but act as their partners. We have a skilled team in place to handle any commercial real estate project and strive to achieve our clients' goals. Our team members bring a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives to the market, resulting in our unmatched experience and success in the commercial real estate market in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. To learn more about us, visit www.VantageRES.com.
ENGenuity Infrastructure
Founded in 2016, ENGenuity Infrastructure is a full service engineering, planning, and environmental consulting firm focused on building thriving communities through integrated design and place-making. Our services cover all aspects of public and private infrastructure, including transportation, streetscapes, utilities, public facilities, parks, waterfront structures, storm hardening, GIS, urban planning, transportation planning, redevelopment, site design, landscape architecture, green infrastructure, and storm preparedness. We are WBE, SBE, EDWOSB, and DBE certified in the State of New Jersey, and nationally 8a, HUBZone, WBENC-WBE, and WBENC-WOSB certified. Our focus is sustainable design solutions that seek to strike a balance to serve all aspects of the community. Through comprehensive planning and design, we consider how people, businesses, and the environment will achieve the most benefit. Striking this balance, we deliver optimum solutions.
Robinson Aerial Surveys
Robinson Aerial Surveys, Inc. (RAS) is a MBE/SBE/DBE-certified professional services firm that provides a range of survey, engineering, and construction management services to government agencies, utility companies, and public firms, including engineers, architects, developers, and contractors. Our predominant services are photogrammetric mapping and aerial and land surveying./nFounded in 1936 by the late CS Robinson in Ithaca, NY, RAS initially performed oblique aerial photography. A year later, the State of New York awarded RAS its first contract for vertical pictures to complete a mosaic print of Broome County. Fast forward almost 85 years and RAS is still providing the highest quality photogrammetric and geospatial services in the industry./n

DPK Consulting
DPK Consulting is a professional Land Surveying, 3D Scanning and Drone Services firm. We are well known for the quality of our work, our approach to safety, flexible scheduling, responsiveness and competitive pricing, but what separates us from others is our commitment to completing what we promise./nDPK is conveniently located in central New Jersey and rapidly expanding geographically to better serve our clients. Easily accessible to all areas of New Jersey and many parts of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, we believe our focus on customer communications, field efficiency, scheduling flexibility, quality work and health & safety, offer our regional customers great value and peace-of-mind./nDPK is a member of the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors, New York State Association for Professional Land Surveyors, the National Society of Professional Surveyors, CIANJ’s Environmental Business Council, the Licensed Site Remediation Professionals Association and the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists./n

SESI Consulting Engineers
SESI Consulting Engineers provides value engineering for owners, developers and the construction industry. Through execution of a comprehensive, coordinated approach, SESI manages projects from concept through completion./nOur staff of licensed professional engineers and LSRPs maintain close, continual contact with clients while utilizing project-specific, construction-focused techniques to provide functional and economical solutions./nMission Statement: SESI’s group of licensed Professional Engineers, LSRPs, and support personnel is dedicated to providing our clients and industry colleagues, top-quality service, design, solutions, and respect. We maintain a high standard of achievement and conduct through excellence in the work performed for the public good, while promoting integrity and dependability in our relationships. In association with our clients and colleagues, our goal is to improve the quality of life through engineering excellence./nSESI provides the following services: Soils & Foundations, Geo-Structural, Environmental, Land Planning, and Water Resources.

Vargo Associates
Our Professional Land Surveyors specialize in the areas of boundary determination. /nGenerally, the survey map is the keystone of a project around which everything is designed. Enhancing data capture and ensuring data integrity is mission critical to a successful project. Our knowledge and experience can ensure your land-related issues are addressed and your property rights protected. Listed below are the various types of surveying work that we perform. /nAll survey work is performed by qualified personnel under the direct supervision of Licensed Professional Land Surveyors. Vargo Associates utilizes state-of-the-art electronic survey instruments with digital data collection methods which ensure accuracy and efficiency and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. Field measurements and observations are compiled digitally on computer work stations utilizing AutoCAD software. We maintain General Liability and Professional Liability Insurance coverage in the amount of $2,000,000 and Workers Compensation in statutory amounts.