Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
— SEO, Social Media, & Content Marketing
— Graphic & Digital Design
— Branding & Logo Design
— Email & Mobile Marketing
Technology & Development
— Software, Web, & Mobile App Development
— AI & Machine Learning
— Blockchain & Cloud Consulting
Business & Support Services
— Sales & Customer Support
— HR & Admin Support
— Accounting & Business Consulting
Creative & Media
— Video Production & Animation
— Media Buying & Planning
— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.
We help our customers manage their electric vehicle charger infrastructure and provide a superior customer experience to EV drivers. Our services create new value and opportunities in eMobility business./nOur end-to-end infrastructure management, monitoring, service desk and support services promises to protect the need of the consumer and ensure optimum uptime of the infrastructure they rely on./nSince 2017, EVA has been playing a key role in shaping the future of eMobility. We already support the transformation in over 30 countries across the globe – and create confidence in a new technology among drivers. And the journey continues./nFor more information visit us at www.evaglobal.com
Escolhadigital is a Digital design & development company./nWe have been developing websites and applications for 10+ years, completing various innovate and critical projects, as well as providing consultation for high-level strategic and architectural project decisions./nAt Escolhadigital, we believe in delivering unrivaled services to help the businesses taking lead over their competitors./n/nSome well-known brands we have helped are Barkyn, Marley Spoon, Multipessoal, ?gua do Vimeiro and others./nWhy Escolhadigital?/n- Top-notch technical background/n- Direct communication with our team with no third-person involvement/n- Agile development/n- Transparency/n- Budget adapted to your needs/n/nWhat we do?/n- UI/UX Design/n- Design Research & Audit/n- Web Development/n- Mobile Development/n/nLet's build something amazing! ??"}
MTA Digital
At Cluster , we specialize in delivering bespoke customer experience solutions. We mentor teams that believe in your products and services, helping businesses redefine, streamline, and digitize processes to meet demand. We're scalable and agile, growing alongside our clients./nWe provide comprehensive multi-channel customer service support in over 30 countries across various sectors. We recruit and train talent, continually expanding to meet your needs. Our teams increase customer loyalty and embody your business ethos to deliver clear outcomes./nWe leverage advanced technology, including CRM systems, IVR technology, and AI, to streamline operations and provide efficient customer service. We also offer multilingual support, crucial in today's global marketplace./nOur commitment to personalization sets us apart. We tailor our services to meet each client's specific needs, delivering superior customer service that aligns with your brand and business objectives./nIn addition to call center services, we offer a range of BPO services, including back office services and front office services like sales and customer support. We're committed to quality and continuous improvement, regularly monitoring our performance and investing in ongoing staff training./nIn conclusion, Cluster is a reliable partner for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience. With our personalized approach, advanced technology, and comprehensive services, we're well-equipped to meet your needs. Visit our website for more information."}
Mosano is a software development company that specializes in digital products for the web and mobile devices. With a focus on delivering top-notch solutions, Mosano offers a full range of services that enable the creation of innovative and impactful digital products, including team-expansion services./nWhether you're looking to augment your in-house development team with additional expertise or you need help building a brand-new development team from the ground up, Mosano can help. With a deep talent pool and a proven track record of delivering outstanding results, Mosano is the ideal partner for businesses and individuals looking to expand their technical capabilities./nMosano's development process is built around research-based design and cutting-edge technology, ensuring every product is optimized for success. Whether you have a clear vision for your product or simply a rough idea, Mosano can take your concept from inception to market launch with ease./nMosano has a proven track record of delivering outstanding results for clients from both Europe and North America. With successful projects under their belt, Mosano is well equipped to tackle any challenge that may arise during the development process. /nMosano is the ideal partner for businesses and individuals looking to bring their digital product ideas to life and expand their technical capabilities."}
JustIdea Agency
Digital printing is designed to completely facilitate the printing process. The prepared material from the computer goes straight to a digital printing machine that ejects dozens of prints in just a few minutes. Digital printing is especially suitable for: business cards, ID cards, flyers, menus, price lists, letterheads, invitations, catalogs, leaflets, brochures, calendars, posters, self-adhesive labels, stickers, declarations, small print books, printers ... Digital printing is also suitable for printing a proof sheet. Digital printing is primarily intended for small and medium-sized prints. Digital printing technology allows you to get your catalogs, brochures, brochures, flyers, business cards, invitations in just a few hours ... which would take several days in offset printing and would not be economical because of the small circulation. Digital printing offers many advantages over standard offset printing, the most important advantages are: speed of manufacture good price for small and medium circulation quality printing small print runs economical for small and medium circulation, which would not be economically justified in offset and realization would take several days possibility of printing on different materials - kunstdruk up to 350gr, foil, mouflon, special papers, etc.) possibility of personalization variable data printing capability (barcode tickets, vouchers, sweepstakes ..) It is printed on 325 x 480 mm paper.
What We Do CHAOS We begin from chaos, define our strategy through different and critical thinking process. We build structure and create beautiful products to gain more value for your business and better user experience for your clients. SOLUTIONS We partner with your company in finding and implementing the best technology solutions and best practices for your business model. PRODUCT AND SERVICES When using some product or service you are actually creating experience by using it. If the experience is positive and good you will want to repeat that experience. What we do in Wire is that we create products and services so the user can have unique and positive experience that he wants to repeat. Our goal is to create beautiful, unique products and services, and above all, great user experience for your clients, so they return to your website. LEAN CANVAS Through research phase we use “Lean canvas” approach to understand and improve your business model. We offer our solution to you in the document that explains what we have planned to do, which technology we will incorporate or develop and how long it will take us to do it. We then build the product or service using agile methodology, monitoring the project progression with daily stand-ups and weekly meetings. We also include resources risk management so you can be sure that the job will be done in planned time frame./nREAD MORE...
MIM Solutions
We're Top-Rated Team - an international group of leading Google Ads, PPC & MarTech pros. Each of us has been setting up and optimizing Paid Ads for eCommerce and B2B, B2C lead generation in the United States, Canada, UK, Germany and Ukraine for over 10 years. Some of us are ex Google Support reps as well as their official trainers on behalf of Google./n Please let us know if you need any help to improve PPC performance for your company./n Request our free expert audit, recommendations and strategy outlines for your Google Ads account as well as our detailed case studies of Paid Ads for B2B, B2C, eCom, SaaS, etc."}
ADwave - agencja marketingu internetowego
Jeste?my agencj? marketingu internetowego o nazwie ADwave, kt?ra oferuje kompleksowe rozwi?zania dla firm chc?cych wzmocni? swoj? obecno?? w sieci. Specjalizujemy si? w pozycjonowaniu stron oraz ?wiadczymy us?ugi z zakresu marketingu w wyszukiwarkach, takich jak Google Ads i Bing Ads. Zajmujemy si? r?wnie? projektowaniem i tworzeniem stron internetowych oraz sklep?w internetowych. Oferujemy r?wnie? konsultacje marketingowe, dzi?ki kt?rym pomagamy naszym klientom osi?gn?? sukces w e-commerce. Nasza agencja sk?ada si? z do?wiadczonych specjalist?w z dziedziny SEO i marketingu internetowego. Dzia?ania, kt?re podejmujemy, s? zawsze dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb i wymaga? naszych klient?w. Dzi?ki naszemu podej?ciu pomagamy firmom osi?gn?? wysokie pozycje w wynikach wyszukiwania, co zwi?ksza ich widoczno?? i pozwala na zwi?kszenie ruchu na stronie internetowej. W naszej pracy stosujemy wy??cznie sprawdzone metody pozycjonowania stron. Nie korzystamy z ?adnych sztucznych trik?w ani nielegalnych sposob?w, kt?re mog?yby zaszkodzi? naszym klientom. Wszystkie nasze dzia?ania s? zgodne z wytycznymi wyszukiwarek, dzi?ki czemu osi?gamy d?ugotrwa?e efekty. Oferujemy r?wnie? us?ugi projektowania i tworzenia stron internetowych oraz sklep?w internetowych. Nasze strony s? zawsze zgodne z najnowszymi standardami oraz zoptymalizowane pod k?tem wyszukiwarek. Tworzymy strony, kt?re s? ?atwe w obs?udze i zapewniaj? u?ytkownikom przyjazne do?wiadczenie. Wsp??pracujemy z firmami r??nych bran? i wielko?ci. Niezale?nie od tego, czy prowadzisz ma?? firm?, czy du?? korporacj?, nasza agencja jest w stanie pom?c w osi?gni?ciu Twoich cel?w marketingowych. Nasze do?wiadczenie pozwala nam na efektywn? wsp??prac? z firmami z Polski oraz z zagranicy. Oferujemy r?wnie? konsultacje marketingowe, w trakcie kt?rych pomagamy naszym klientom w doborze najlepszych rozwi?za? dla ich biznesu. Doradzamy w zakresie strategii marketingowej, pozycjonowania w wyszukiwarkach oraz prowadzenia kampanii reklamowych w Google Ads i Bing Ads. Jako polska agencja marketingowa, zdajemy sobie spraw? z wymaga? rynku oraz specyfiki polskiego e-commerce. Dzi?ki temu jeste?my w stanie dostosowa? nasze dzia?ania do potrzeb naszych klient?w oraz zapewni? skuteczne i efektywne rozwi?zania. Podsumowuj?c, nasza agencja oferuje kompleksowe rozwi?zania dla firm, kt?re chc? wzmocni? swoj? obecno?? w sieci i osi?gn?? sukces w e-commerce. Nasze do?wiadczenie oraz wiedza z zakresu SEO, marketingu internetowego oraz projektowania i tworzenia stron internetowych i sklep?w internetowych, pozwala nam na skuteczn? i efektywn? wsp??prac? z klientami z Polski oraz z zagranicy. Dzia?ania, kt?re podejmujemy, s? zawsze dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb i wymaga? naszych klient?w. Stawiamy na transparentno?? i regularne raportowanie efekt?w naszych dzia?a?, dzi?ki czemu nasi klienci maj? pe?n? kontrol? nad swoj? kampani? marketingow?. Je?li szukasz polskiej agencji marketingowej, kt?ra pomo?e Ci w osi?gni?ciu sukcesu w e-commerce, skontaktuj si? z nami ju? dzi?! Z przyjemno?ci? odpowiemy na Twoje pytania i przedstawimy ofert? dostosowan? do Twoich potrzeb./n
TwinTargets connects the best marketers, designers, and developers around the world with businesses in need - thanks to their unique process, building and promoting your cool\xa0digital project is easy, beneficial, and transparent. Their main focus is\xa0top-notch Web Design & Development and\xa0mobile\xa0applications, from simple prototypes, MVPs with several functionalities, to complex solutions. No matter if you only have an idea or a ready project - they plan the product together with you, they make and deliver for you based on a transparent process for a fixed price. The main value is solving all technical and marketing issues by using the best global talents.\xa0/n
Prime Digital
Our main goal is to help our clients. We take care of our business partners as family members, thanks to which our strength increases with each new partner, and the most effective practices are transferred to each of the projects. Every day we make sure that cooperation with our clients brings the most juicy fruit possible. We think of ourselves as heroes from Sherwood, who with the help of cleverness, experience and the right tools help the weaker by taking the stronger. Our story is that of a\xa0gladiator who had to win many battles in subordinate arenas to finally feel the sand of the Colosseum under his feet again. Now, like a\xa0phoenix from the ashes, we rise to create a\xa0new and better digital world on a\xa0fair basis. We invite you to the family./n