Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
— SEO, Social Media, & Content Marketing
— Graphic & Digital Design
— Branding & Logo Design
— Email & Mobile Marketing
Technology & Development
— Software, Web, & Mobile App Development
— AI & Machine Learning
— Blockchain & Cloud Consulting
Business & Support Services
— Sales & Customer Support
— HR & Admin Support
— Accounting & Business Consulting
Creative & Media
— Video Production & Animation
— Media Buying & Planning
— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.

Pitas Imobiliare
At Webisoft, we're dedicated to providing top-notch blockchain, web, and software solutions that drive your business forward. Whether you're a startup or a well-established company, our full-service approach ensures you receive the best value for your investment./nOur team of experts specializes in developing fast, secure, and efficient blockchain and SaaS apps and websites using cutting-edge technologies like Solana, Ethereum, and the Cosmos based chain./nAnd that's not all! We also offer a complete suite of integration, marketing, and maintenance services, making us your go-to source for all your development needs. Trust Webisoft to power your business to new heights./nServices that we are proud upon/nBlockchain development/ndApp Application development/nLiquidity Pool, Staking, NFTs, Marketplace, Exchanges./nSaaS Application development/nWeb Application development/nCustom CRM & ERP development solutions/nUX/UI design services/nOur technology tech stack/nRust/nSolidity/nPython/nDjango/nJavascript/nReact/nNode.js/nReact Native/nTelegram : https://telegram.me/notomoro/nWhatsapp : +1 (514) 559-3224/nPhone : +1 (514) 874-3224/nEmail : [email protected]"}
Solaris Real Estate Development
Vistance Capital Advisory is a full-service advisory firm that helps level the playing field for small businesses. The Founder has 10 years of experience in investment banking and over 10 years of experience working with small businesses in an executive capacity. This provides him with a unique vantage point to bridge the gap between small businesses and institutions offering capital, having been on both sides. As an entrepreneur, we understand you are busy with sales, marketing, and managing operations. When you decide to raise capital, buy a business, complete an audit, or go public, your day to day business interactions do not stop. Let us do the heavy lifting. At Vistance Capital, we provide the hands-on expertise to get you ready./nREAD MORE...

Transilvania Constructii
BNI (Business Network International) je najve?ja organizacija na svetu za poslovno in podjetni?ko mre?enje . Svojim ?lanom nudi mo?nost za pridobivanje novih strank, kontaktov in izmenjavo idej. BNI na lokalnem podro?ju organizira skupine podjetnikov, v katerih si le-ti prek osebnih priporo?il pomagajo do novih strank. Aktivno delovanje v BNI skupini je, kot bi imeli na tr?i??u ekipo tr?nikov, ki predstavljajo vas in va? posel, v pa zameno vi njih in njihov posel. Najbolj uspe?ne so tiste BNI skupine v katerih ?lani iskreno ?elijo pomagati drug drugemu in se osebno priporo?ajo pri ljudeh, s katerimi komunicirajo. So kot ekipa, ki ima en sam cilj – da vsi ?lani pridobivajo nove stranke za svoje posle. Po svetu deluje ve? kot 8.000 BNI skupin, v katerih je vklju?enih ve? kot 220.000 podjetij. V zadnjih 12 mesecih so si ?lani BNI skupin izmenjali prek 9,5 milijonov poslovnih napotnic in ustvarili za ve? kot 13,5 milijard $ poslov. V Sloveniji je v BNI vklju?enih ?e ve? kot 350 podjetij, ki so v 7 letih s posli, pridobljenimi v BNI skupinah, ustvarili 30 mio € neto prometa./nREAD MORE...
CBRE Taiwan was established in 1990. Since then, we have built an enviable position as leading advisor in commercial real estate leasing, investment sales, consultancy, project management, facilities and property management. With our worldwide network of overseas offices and an in-depth knowledge of the local market, we have played a key role in negotiating a number of successful large leasing transactions for multi-national companies. We have concluded investment sales for local and foreign institutions and engage in project, facility and property management services for corporate clients./n
Luxor Imobil
Pragilis is a change management company that helps organizations and companies focus on the people side of change. From identifying why changes are failing in your organization to creating a custom strategy to help navigate change, we help you benefit from the change. We offer coaching programs, consulting, and workshops that help plan, execute, and mature the organization for change./nGet advice about your change strategies, tactics, or how to keep successful change going.
Welt Imobiliare
We help owners build great* businesses and grow them predictably/n(*However you define great)/nWe believe there is a better way to build great businesses. A way that creates the ideal team and culture, a clear vision that inspires, a simple strategy to stand out in your market, then a step-by-step plan to predictably scale./nA way that accelerates your journey, without the pain, and lets you build the great business you want./nREAD MORE...
SVN Romania
Our primary goal is to help businesses achieve growth and maximize profitability./nWe achieve this by carefully pinpointing the opportunities present in every aspect of your company. Our aim is to establish a unique and distinctive position for your business, setting it apart from competitors. With our extensive expertise, we effectively capture value across all areas of your organization./nREAD MORE...
Covenant Consulting
Consulting company specialized in category management tactics. Here you will be able to find our company’s description, links to articles about Category Management, as well as our own articles that we write for certain magazines. We will also try to give you insights on our point of view on some of dilemmas in modern day Category Management.
La Donna Imobile
Specializing in Software Project Management + Software Development./n/n/n/n/n/n/n