Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
— SEO, Social Media, & Content Marketing
— Graphic & Digital Design
— Branding & Logo Design
— Email & Mobile Marketing
Technology & Development
— Software, Web, & Mobile App Development
— AI & Machine Learning
— Blockchain & Cloud Consulting
Business & Support Services
— Sales & Customer Support
— HR & Admin Support
— Accounting & Business Consulting
Creative & Media
— Video Production & Animation
— Media Buying & Planning
— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.
Foster + Svensson
We are a full-service digital marketing agency. We are a team of multilingual developers, strategists, designers and writers that all bring something unique to the table and collaborate to elevate your online presence. We have been working with all things digital since 1994 for companies large and small, and we’ve gained some valuable knowledge along the way. We are passionate about what we do and it shows. We conduct stringent audits and data analysis. We create comprehensive marketing strategies and effectively execute them. We amplify your message with creative design and impactful content. We increase exposure, engage consumers and deliver results. We cover all aspects of online marketing for companies looking to thrive in the complex digital landscape—from big picture creative strategies to the finer nuts and bolts of SEO.

Direct Media
Quem somos?/nBem-vindo à Gracioli Comunicaç?o, empresa fundada pelos irm?os Cristiane e Eduardo Gracioli, em 1994, que leva o nome da fam?lia e seu comprometimento, e reforça o poder da arte de se comunicar como a sabedoria que conecta pessoas em seu pr?prio tempo./nProp?sito: Fortalecer a comunicaç?o como arte para se conectar com sabedoria e verdade/nMiss?o: Gerar valor e fazer a diferença na vida de nossos clientes, através dos trabalhos em todas as frentes da comunicaç?o./nVis?o: Ser e estar entre as melhores agências de comunicaç?o do pa?s./nValores:/n- Ser simples nos une;/n- Agilidade nos destaca;/n- Curiosidade nos movimenta;/n- Fidelidade é nosso princ?pio;/n- Pessoas s?o a nossa base./nO que sentimos? S?o muitas as transformaç?es que uma agência de comunicaç?o tem vivido nas ?ltimas décadas, que inclui até a mudança do século. Nascemos uma editora em 1994, com dois t?tulos pr?prios e outros tantos pensados e desenvolvidos para clientes. Em 2004, nos tornamos uma Agência de Comunicaç?o completa com n?cleos destinados a conte?do, publicidade e universo digital./n2) SERVICOS/nCriaç?o de marca: desenvolvimento de logos, criaç?o de manual de identidade e guide, atualizaç?o de marca e estratégias para fortalecimento e reposicionamento de branding./nCampanhas: estudo, planejamento e desenvolvimento de campanhas on e off-line em todos os tipos de m?dia./nMkt de conte?do: planejamento estratégico redes sociais, site, blog, inbound marketing, produç?o de conte?do pago e gratuito, e-mails, identidade visual e campanhas patrocinadas./nMkt Digital: Planejamento estratégico constru?do de forma personalizada ap?s uma imers?o no segmento e no p?blico-alvo, para entregar o conte?do certo, para as pessoas certas, na hora certa, com investimento e administraç?o sob demanda (Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, SEO, Web Analytics, B.I Content)./nSite: Projeto de identidade visual, e-commerce, planejamento de conte?do institucional, inclus?o de blog para SEO, estudo e implantaç?o de ferramentas e atualizaç?es./n

New Media Team
VivaKi Moldova history begins at 1st of April 2009, when the consolidation of Publicis Groupe Media agencies in the advertising market takes place, under the VivaKi brand. The new formed group, united 3 specialized media agencies, which already were active in the market: Starcom (launched in Moldova in 2005), Zenith (launched in 2006 as ZenithOptimedia) and Mediavest (launched in 2007). The consolidation of these 3 agencies brought the advantage of cumulated client’s billings, opening the possibility to achieve better results for existing group clients and further new clients accordingly./nToday VivaKi Moldova represents:/nLeader in TV market by quantity of bought inventory./nWorking with 7 Clients from TOP 20 clients in the ad market./nAdministration of 70% of media activity in the coffee category./nLeader in pharma category./nPioneer in Moldavian online market development./nExclusive tools for analysis, planning and forecasting results, following media and creative investments of our Clients

Multichannel Campaigns for Innovative Marketers. ZARAGUZA Bratislava and ZARAGUZA Prague are a new kind of full-service advertising agency focused on long-term communication with great-earned media coverage. ZARAGUZA basic info: - 50+ marketing geeks - HQ in 2 countries - 70+ awards - 6 dogs, 5 cats - 400+ campaigns - Inbound Marketing Certificate - Google Certified Trainer Certificate - Facebook Studio Award We are a team of 50 multimedia Ideamakers, Strategists, Designers, Data Analysts and Technologists, who share a passion for creating amazing cross-channel ideas. Facebook declared Zaraguza one of the 10 best agencies in the world, for using it most creatively by awarding us the "Silver Facebook Studio Award." The agency has the FILIP award for the most creative person of the year from the Art Directors Club Slovakia and the Cyber Young Lion award from Cannes Lions. Zaraguza was the most-awarded ADMA agency in the national creative contest "Zlat? klinec" in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and has won the most EFFIE awards./nREAD MORE...

Red Communication
Since 1995 Levintsa & Associates brings together the practice and expertise of business and legal consultants, lawyers and attorneys with advanced University degrees and provides professional legal services in Moldova. The firm is a recognized leader in corporate and commercial law practices and has substantial practice representing a diverse client in virtually any aspects of business and law in Moldova./n Levintsa & Associates is dedicated to providing the most timely response, comprehensive and cost-effective service to various clients whether commercial or non-profit organizations. The firm is committed to the region and its practice is not stimulated by a fashion or current trends./n The firm has been involved in most of the largest and the most complex transactions in Moldova involving investors from the United States, Europe and recently from Asia. Among the firm's clients are major banks and financial institutions, domestic and international organizations, publicly and privately owned manufacturing, service, distribution, retail, energy and insurance companies and large corporations./nThe firm provides Business Consulting Services and Legal Services, and is very active mainly in the area of International Business Transactions. In particular, the firm's current activities include partnership identification and registration/incorporation services, preliminary and transactional due diligence exercises, advising on various legal and business matters such as securing international financing and/or investment, privatization and/or acquisitions, leasing and/or sale of goods and other transactions. Levintsa & Associates also assists foreign investors in identifying investment possibilities and business opportunities. Because of its broad experience to date the firm can handle virtually any transactional matter."}
We are a full-service agency that controls the world of event marketing, production, conferences, hosting and sports events. We were founded in 2017 by the merger of four agencies with different focuses and long-term experience, which is why we are able to provide services in such a wide range./nWe organize social parties for smaller companies, as well as corporate companies with a large number of employees, galas, sports events and events of a moving nature, teambuilding and theme parties./nWe do complex marketing for our projects from the ground up, create their identity and give them a final image. We take care of PR, we ensure communication with the media and we are looking for appropriate forms of media propagation of each event. We give your idea a visual form, we prepare graphic backgrounds, we cover complex communication and we take care of your unforgettable experience.

Conference Republic
Public Media Solution, fastest growing company in Public relation, web development, Mobile app development, Blockchain, E-Commerce and SPN services (Solution Provider Network) in Pune Maharashtra./nWe established in 2014 in strategies alliance and cater business like IT companies. Our head office located in Magarpatta City Pune Maharashtra India, to recognise, communicate and connect with its multi-cultural and multi-lingual audience can be pretty much formidable until you get in touch with us. Best PR company in Pune/nVision/nPublic Relation– Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or a nonprofit organization) and the public. Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest./[email protected]/nCorporate communication is a management function or department, like marketing, finance, or operations, dedicated to the dissemination of information to key constituencies, the execution of corporate strategy and the development of messages for a variety of purposes for inside and outside the organization./nKey services:/nBranding & corporate identity/nWeb design & development/nEcommerce development/nMobile app development/nSEO/nSocial media marketing/nEmail marketing/nMobile app marketing/nMarketing strategy/nMarket research/nReputation management and public relations/n
DNA Communications - Serbia
We at Arctic Productions are a group of producers with different background and expertise. What we have in common is a great hands-on experience in all stages of planning, logistics and staging of multiple productions in various parts of Iceland./n/nOur ultimate goal is to create economical, safe and environmentally friendly productions and leaving our clients with positive results./n/nWe have a flexible approach and can provide logistics, locations, management, crew, equipment, casting, permits and local fixers./n/nWe are open to all projects no matter how big or small.
New Moment
We have been dedicated to chatbots since their arrival in Facebook Messenger. We have already verified their ability to compete with regular marketing channels. Now we want to create the most successful chatbots in the Czech Republic. We create chatbots and marketing campaigns associated with them. It sounds quite simple, but it's not that simple either technically or in time. We definitely don't complain. We enjoy it, we see it in meaning and a huge opportunity."}
Webb Dowse
CROMATIX CREATIVE IMAGE LAB create and develop powerful brands! Cromatix Creative Image Lab, is a company based in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Our core activity is based on three directions: • branding design; • advertising and promotion techniques; • public relations strategies, events, mass-media communications ; We can help you to build and promote your company image! Our company make first steps in promoting yourself on European market and worldwide.