Outsorcy Services
Outsorcy is your all-in-one destination for a wide range of professional services.
We connect you directly with top-tier experts in various fields, offering:
Marketing & Design
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Technology & Development
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Business & Support Services
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Creative & Media
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— Why Outsorcy? —
We simplify outsourcing by giving you direct access to a curated network of specialists, offering tailored, efficient solutions to drive your business forward.
Focus on growth — we will handle the rest.
Revidera d.o.o.
Revidera je specializirana za dejavnosti revidiranja davcnega svetovanja racunovodskega svetovanja svetovanja na podrocju podjetniڑkih financ in druge dogovorjene posle kar mu omogocajo strokovno izobra\u200deni in kreativni resursi. Poslanstvo podjetja REVIDERA je da ponudi poslovnim partnerjem ucinkovite storitve ki so v skladu z lokalnimi zakoni kot tudi mednarodnimi strokovnimi standardi. Kvalitetne storitve podjetja REVIDERA zagotavljajo zanesljivo oporo poslovnim partnerjem za hitre in varne odlocitve. Z zdru\u200devanjem in nadgrajevanjem posebnih strokovnih znanj zagotavljamo interdisciplinarni pristop k projektom in s tem povecujemo ucinkovitost svojega delovanja. Podjetje se lahko pohvali z vec kot 25 letnimi izkuڑnjami in licence za: Pooblaڑcen revizor Dr\u200davni notranji revizor Notranji revizor Preizkuڑen racunovodja Racunovodja Sodni izvedenec za finance Nadzornik Warren Buffet “Cena je tista ki jo placaڑ. Korist pa tista ki jo dobiڑ.

Replika Creating Solutions ltd
We are a reputable fast growing company with a successful business tradition since 2003. We provide complete business support to both domestic and international clients. Our strategic portfolio consists of the following services: 1. Business Support Accounting and Financial Consultancy Tax Representative and Allocation Services We guide you through the whole process of starting your business in Slovenia and assist you at day-to-day operations: – company registration – virtual office – bookkeeping and accounting – residence and working permits acquisition assistance – business administration – online accounting operations 2. Real Estates Investments Our expertise guarantees you the best and exclusive real estate solutions in the Slovenian market. – real estate brokerage and property management – selection of real estate objects according to your wishes – real estate appraisal – turnkey real estate solutions including rent purchase leasing and finalization process 3. Innovation Management and Business Model Development With year-long experience in the region our mission is to offer complete business development support professional assistance and networking leverage for innovative companies. 4. Fundraising Let us help kick-start your idea. We have regional expertise in raising development funds for innovative business ventures by private investors at public tenders and by forming strategic co-financing partnerships. We support innovative business ideas and help to make them happen. Our team speaks 7 different languages and currently offers highly personalized business support to clients from Austria Bulgaria China Croatia Germany Great Britain India Italy Japan Kazakhstan Latvia Moldova Poland Portugal Russia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine etc.

Racunovodstvo Bim Line d.o.o. Racunovodski servis racunovodske storitve Accounting service
Bim Line accounting bookkeeping and tax consulting firm is an established accounting firm founded in 1993. We strive to provide high quality bookkeeping and accounting services with a fast response and modern practices. We offer a personalised approach and active support while managing your business documents. We place strong emphasis on tax and accounting consulting and guiding clients towards tax balance optimization and we also help in determining the optimal methods of business operation. During the year we plan and execute strategies to improve profitability and minimize tax liability. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bim Line Racunovodski servis d.o.o. je uveljavljeno podjetje za racunovodstvo in davcno svetovanje ustanovljeno leta 1993. Prizadevamo si za zagotavljanje visoko kakovostnih knjigovodskih in racunovodskih storitev s hitrim odzivom in sodobnimi praksami. Nudimo individualni pristop in aktivno podporo pri poslovanju in upravljanju vaڑe poslovne dokumentacije. Dajemo velik poudarek na davcno in racunovodsko svetovanje stranke vodimo v smeri boljڑe optimizacije davcne bilance in iskanja najugodnejڑih nacinov poslovanja. Tekom leta nacrtujemo in izvajamo strategije ki izboljڑujejo donosnost in zni\u200dujejo davcne obveznosti na minimum. Naڑi davcni strokovnjaki znajo poiskati skrite davcne zanke in prihranke ter obenem stranke zavarovati pred tem da bi prestopile mejo zakonitosti.

Protokorp d.o.o. an independent member od Baker Tilly International
Protokorp d.o.o. Koseڑka cesta 8 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia T: +386 5 902 10 80 F: +386 5 903 93 60 M: +386 31 30 40 32 E: [email protected] Protokorp is a Slovenian tax advising and accounting firm with a team of qualified professionals and an international partner network. The company was founded in 2007 and demonstrated steady growth throughout the years. In 2014 Protokorp became a proud member of Baker Tilly International the 8th biggest professional services network in the world. Our services include: - Tax compliance: all activities to ensure that our clients are compliant with tax legislation in Slovenia including but not limited to VAT compliance (VAT registrations submitting VAT returns Intrastat reports etc.) Corporate income tax compliance (Corporate income tax return preparation of transfer pricing documentation withholding tax returns etc.) Personal income tax compliance (personal income tax returns tax residency prcedures expat taxation etc.) - Tax planning: utilization of tax advantages offered by the legislations local or different tax jurisdictions utilization of tax incentives international tax services corporate tax restructuring (mergers acquisitions divisions etc.) - Representation in tax procedures: meaning representing clients interests in relation to the Tax Authorities within the legal framework tax inspections and other procedures related to the Tax Authorities - Due diligence services: services to find value for our client - Preparation of tax memorandums on complex tax issues. Our accounting services ensure compliance wih accounting regulations including bookkeeping payroll preparation of annual reports mid-year reports management of register of assets etc. We closely follow our core values: expertise reliability fairness and team work. And secondly we take great pride in maintaning enjoyable environment for our staff and visiting clients as well.
KNISER d.o.o. Mengeڑ
V racunovodstvu Kniser d.o.o. opravljamo racunovodske storitve od leta 1989. Imamo znanje in izkuڑnje ki smo si jih pridobili z vecletnim delom na podrocju racunovodstva. Racunovodske storitve opravljamo srednjim in malim dru\u200dbam zasebnikom druڑtvom ter pravnim osebam zasebnega prava. Naڑa vodila so kvaliteta a\u200durnost in natancnost s katerimi \u200delimo cimprej priti do vaڑih poslovnih rezultatov in kazalcev poslovanja. Storitve izvajamo z veliko mero odgovornosti saj je tudi nam v veliko veselje vaڑ dober poslovni rezultat. Dolgoletne izkuڑnje in zadovoljstvo sedanjih strank so zagotovilo da bodo tudi novi klienti servisirani tako kot je potrebno. To nam omogoca tudi sodobna in zmogljiva telekomunikacijska in racunalniڑka oprema s pomocjo katere so vse racunovodske informacije dosegljive 24 ur na dan in 7 dni na teden. Pri celotnem poslovanju z vami vam zagotavljamo popolno varnost in tajnost podatkov.
VAT Slovenia
Our services rendered to companies that are identified as VAT taxable person in Slovenia are as follows: 1. preparation of VAT registers based on sales/purchased invoices and other relevant documents provided by company 2. reviewing the regularity and correctness of tax documents and sales/purchased invoices (which include also reviewing the obligatory elements on the invoices correctness of the amount of output and input VAT checking that output VAT is charged on time) 3. preparation and submission of monthly electronic VAT returns (VAT return should be submitted in digital format using the eDavki (eTax) system) 4. preparation and submission of EC Sales Report (if neccessary) 5. preparation and submission of Intrastat reporting (if neccessary) and 6. communication with our Tax Authorities.

BV Financna Skupina d.o.o.
BV Finance Group d.o.o is a group of professionals with extensive international experience in the following areas: FINANCIAL CONSULTING We offer comprehensive financial consulting and support in: • valuation of businesses real estate and other assets (intangible assets receivables etc.) which complies with the latest international valuation standards (MSOV) • providing guidance through all stages of selling a company. We provide support in: • monitoring of MRA’s (Master Restructuring Agreements) • the search for possible financing resources • insolvency and financing procedures We prepare: • business strategies and business plans • business valuation models and tools • due diligence (financial analysis overview of investments and financing) • an Independent Business Review for banks (IBR) • financial and business restructuring plans. BUSINESS CONSULTING • We offer services for the company’s establishment education and business consulting based on lean management methods and quality (Six Sigma) operations. • Business restructuring plan • Consulting for the internationalization of your business TAX CONSULTING Tax consulting services include consulting for legal entities and private individuals in the following areas: • income tax of corporations and organizations • diagnostic tax review • transfer pricing • value added tax (VAT) LEGAL CONSULTING In field of legal consultancy we work with the best lawyers in the Alpe Adria region and offer joint support in: • insolvency procedures • business and labor law • property and obligatory law • public procurement • public-private partnership (PPP) • absorbing EU funds and preparing all needed documentation. ACCOUNTING CONSULTING We can assist you with more complex issues related to Slovenian accounting standards (SRS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). + 386 40 519 202 [email protected] http://www.bvfg.si/en
Visoka ڑola za racunovodstvo in finance
Visoka ڑola za racunovodstvo in finance nudi dodiplomski program Racunovodstvo in finance magistrski program Forenzicne preiskave v financah in racunovodstvu certificirana programa Preiskovalec prevar na podrocju financ in racunovodstva in Poslovodni racunovodja . Organiziramo pa tudi ڑtevilne enodnevne ali nekajdnevne seminarje na teme racunovodstva financ poslovne forenzike in davkov. Izobra\u200dujemo iz prakse za prakso in s poudarkom na uporabni vrednosti znanja. Naڑi predavatelji so izvrstni strokovnjaki ki preko vkljucevanja primerov iz svoje prakse omogocajo ucenje iz prve roke obravnavanje realnih izzivov in tudi grajenje poslovne mre\u200de. ٹtudentom ki se s poslovnim svetom ڑele zacenjajo srecevati pa omogocamo vkljucevanje v projekte katerih reڑitve so usmerjene v prakso.
Rafis d.o.o. je racunovodski servis z dolgoletno tradicijo. Je sodoben racunovodski servis ki stavi na izobra\u200dene kadre dobre odnose s strankami preko sodobne tehnologije pa zagotavlja enostavno in verodostojno poslovanje. Nudimo: - racunovodske storitve Izvajamo celoten nabor racunovodskih storitev od vodenja knjig do priprave izkazov in obracunov. Poslovanje z nami poteka brezpapirno) - svetovanje Na nas se lahko vedno obrnete z vpraڑanji z davcnega financnega ali kadrovskega podrocja. Na voljo imamo ڑirok spekter zunanjih partnerjev - specialistov za posamezna podrocja kot tudi hiter dostop do bonitetnih ocen vaڑih partnerjev. -zunanje porocanje Za svoje poslovne partnerje opravljamo zakonsko predpisana periodicna porocanja javnim ustanovam (AJPES FURS ZZZS ZRSZ) in revizorskim hiڑam. -notranje porocanje Pripravljamo poslovne analize statistike in porocila za direktorje vodstva in lastnike podjetij.

SIBIZ business service Ltd
Opinov8 is a technology innovation partner, with an Opinion, which engages with our clients at any stage in their product engineering and development software pipeline./n/nFocusing on business solutions being mainly full life-cycle development. We are driven by delivering a business outcome, for our clients, through technological innovation. We are data-driven in everything that we do and we aim to shorten our clients' Innovation Lifecycles, to drive Value through Innovation./n/nWe are a young energetic and dynamically agile company. The team leading our business forward are software service industry veterans. We are ambitious on our own and on our client’s behalf. We do not look at a client engagement as a project, we are in it to help our clients build sustainable businesses. In other words: our clients’ business is our business./n/nBeing an Innov8or is what we strive to be, being curious, adventurous in Engineering and having a Technology Opinion is our DNA./n/nWe are headquartered in the UK (London) and have development centers in Ukraine, Egypt, Poland, USA and Colombia."}